Home Android The Birth of Health Connect 24

The Birth of Health Connect 24

by Soft2share.com

I was merely 32, when one day, I started realizing that, my spine is really aching. Being an IT professional, I thought, it’s a regular affair, which will subside within few days. But, unfortunately, that was not the case! It started aching severely and I was forced to consult an Allopathic medical practitioner. As expected, he prescribed some pain killers and suggested X-Ray (A.P oblique and lateral views) followed by MRI of lumbo sacral spine. Although, my pain subsided within few days, but, MRI reports were alarming for me. Spondylolysis with some posterior disc inflammation was reported by the experts. Soon, I was advised to take complete one month bed rest. I was totally perturbed by the present situation with me!

For a month, I felt handicapped. I was supposed to take rest and do nothing. But an IT professional can’t be away from his gadgets too long. And, it was here, when I started searching- how can I get rid of my physical suffering? Soon, I came to know, about our Vedic tradition: Yoga and Ayurveda. I guess, it was a divine intervention, that, I started following Yoga and discontinued all allopathic drugs at the same time. I had to slog a lot for my research, on Yoga and Ayurveda, and, realized that, it will do wonders, if I will follow Ayurveda along with Yoga. Here, AYUSH doctors prescribed me some medicine for healing up. And, believe me; I was amazed to feel the remarkable difference than my earlier physical condition. Gradually, I could myself feel that, my body is healing in both ways: mentally as well as physically.

This Vedic tradition of our country is the oldest tradition, of any civilized society. Yoga and Ayurveda are complimentary to each other. They share a common goal: ‘well-being of human body’. The ancient Ayurvedic texts describe Yoga: Happiness and misery… disappear when the mind is concentrated and contained in the soul… This state is known as yoga (Charaka Samhita 1: 138-139). By knowing all these facts, my interest was rekindled on AYUSH medicine system. And, I became keen to move forward and to bring out; the benefits of Yoga and Ayurveda to the citizens of our country.

Today, in the era of digitalization, I thought, a mobile application (mobile app) can be a smart idea to reach out to millions of people. And, here I along with my team came up with the Health Connect 24*7 (HC24) mobile app. Now-a-days, our Prime Minister is determined to compete with the developed countries of the world through few appreciable initiatives like ‘Digital India’ and ‘Make in India’. I am sure, our initiative of HC24, will surely give an edge to these initiatives.

Health Connect 24 Mobile Application

HC24, itself is a distinctive digital tool, where we have brought Yog , Ayurveda , Swasth Bharat and Swadeshi (YASS) on a single platform. Our aim is to provide real time access of Yoga, Ayurveda, AYUSH medicines-doctors and herbal products to the people of our country. It will be a most modern manner to build healthy and prosperous India.

Here are what, a user of HC24 app can expect:

1. Solutions of the patients through Yogasanas and home remedy.
2. Availability of AYUSH medicines and doctors, nearest to your location.
3. You may book on-line appointment, with the registered AYUSH doctors or alternative therapy centers.
4. You may avail the benefit of authentic literature about AYUSH.
5. You may advertise or sell AYUSH medicines, to the patients with home delivery facility.

For the better sense of well being, energy and health, you must download Health Connect 24 application on your smart phones. We are sure you all will give us a chance to serve you in future! App download link below:


Our believe:

|| अयोग्य पुरुष: नास्ति, योजकः तत्र दुर्लभं | There’s no person who is incapable. Who is rare is the one who can organize.||

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