Home SEO SEO for Webmasters: 6 Search Tips You Probably Didn’t Know

SEO for Webmasters: 6 Search Tips You Probably Didn’t Know

by Soft2share.com

With so much information and guidance available to us on the internet, it’s no wonder that SEO experts are becoming more and more common, with a rising number of well respected internet gurus creating their own blog sites and followings. Search optimisation blogs and internet marketing blogs have exploded into a worldwide stage for industry celebs, and they create a platform for sharing the latest and most up to date SEO techniques.

But just how much do you know from reading all the latest SEO blogs? Sometimes it’s very easy to overlook the simplest rules of SEO – and everyone’s guilty of running before they can crawl, every now and again.

Here we give you 6 SEO tips that you probably didn’t know; some of these are very basic, some are just lost in the sea of advanced search knowledge and others are simply forgotten.


6 Search Tips You Probably Didn’t Know About

So here they are…

  1. Your site footer – do you pay attention to your website footer? If you haven’t considered your footer links, you are missing out on a great SEO opportunity. Not only are footer links beneficial to your on site SEO, but they can actually provide value to web users when they can’t find what they’re looking for on the top navigation. Many of you may know this already. But did you know that your site footer is also the best place for calling code? Most websites load CSS and JavaScript in the header but if you place this in the footer of your site, it will load much faster.
  2. Improve site speed – this is always talked about but few people take it seriously. It’s important that your website loads quickly otherwise it could affect your rankings according to Google.
  3. Responsive design for mobile sites – we really can’t ignore it. More and more web users are turning to mobiles and tablets for internet shopping, social media and general internet usage. Responsive design allows you to keep one URL for better search optimisation.
  4. Code optimisation – just like we optimise our images, we can also optimise our code. Strip away any unnecessary coding in your website’s back office. The more minimal your code, the faster and smoother your website will run (and if you read tip number 2, you will know that this will have a positive effect with Google).
  5. Don’t overuse plugins – plugins for WordPress sites are great. They are ready made little packages that make your life so much easier. However, it’s important to remember that plugins can often carry a lot of complicated code and can sometimes conflict with one another. Delete any plugins that you don’t use and try to stick to a few key ones.
  6. Stagger articles and blog posts – if you website has a news section or you have a blog website, stagger your posts so that you are posting often. Many webmasters forget this very basic rule of attracting Google’s spiders to crawl your website.

 Amanda Revie writes for Ingenuity Digital, a specialist international SEO company in London, UK.


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