Home Apps WhatsApp: Should You Ditch It?

WhatsApp: Should You Ditch It?

by Soft2share.com

WhatsApp has spent some considerable time becoming the world’s favorite messaging platform but of course, there is always more than one side to any story.  First let’s look at what WhatsApp exactly is. Asides from being the most popular messaging service to date, it is also a cross platform service. This means that users are no longer limited to same platform users when it comes to being able to text like BBM users. The service is available on all platforms and is free (for the first year at least). It is easy to use, lets users find contacts simply through their cell phone number and is taking on social media level giant status.


We can gauge its popularity and usage simply by looking at the statistics, which are astounding if nothing else. WhatsApp consistently reports new fronts when it comes to message transmission; currently it has already crossed the ten million messages per day mark, more than any other service is history.

Why it’s Becoming Questionable

Now comes the not quite perfect fairytale ending for WhatsApp users. The service has a reputation of being clumsily managed and poor security wise to say the least. Those who are long time users of the service will attest to the fact that issues regarding updating, message security and whatnot are always coming up and often service can be not so great. But asides from the amateurish way the service handles its user queries and functionality (though admittedly it has improved), there is an arising threat of security and privacy stemming from the service.

Currently, two governments are already involved in investigating what they believe to be WhatsApp’s misuse of user information. Allegedly the service has been tapping into user’s address books and other unauthorized data. So is WhatsApp truly another Facebook, discretely using data for its own purpose? Then definitely brings up some worry laden questions as to the service’s policy and agenda.

Lack of Security

Another WhatsApp issue is its flimsy security. With such a large user base it seems ridiculous that the service is refusing to focus on glaring security loopholes and flaws. Hacking into WhatsApp is as easy as one two three, with tons of How To’s available online. Just about anyone can get into your account with the help of a Windows tool as was demonstrated by a hacker in a viral video in 2012. In a few simple steps he could access accounts and change user statuses. In other words, using WhatsApp is dangerously close to having a WhatsApp spy in your phone.

When it comes to thinking about ditching your WhatsApp, don’t simply ignore the problems and stay o board. A number of WhatsApp alternatives are available which are drawing a lot of attention. The reason is simply that in modern times, cybersecurity is as important as physical security. If a service fails to safeguard its users, and is in all likelihood collecting unauthorized data, then there is a more than real reason to let go of it. Malware professionals and hackers are getting better than ever and attacks are increasing. So think carefully about continuing your WhatsApp use.

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