Home Internet Tips What New Features in the DNN Content Management Solutions Make It More Appealing?

What New Features in the DNN Content Management Solutions Make It More Appealing?

by Soft2share.com

Well, the DNN content management system software has now concentrated in the development of their new product Evoq 9, which is indeed, a major release. Their Product Team led by Will Morgenweck who are busy with the upgrades and tweaks in their Evoq 9 content management solutions that have been released in late 2016.

They had put up an intense team work to make the journey of Evoq 9 perfect as .netcms. If you ask them they will tell that the theme of the intranet software is quite simple and they describe it as a ‘refined .netcms’. They give all credit to the new UI/UX which they have never done before. They have worked on the administrative user interface and has reworked on it from the scratch.

What was the main thing in Evoq 9 that they focused more?

They redesigned the project to give a new look and feel and they were successful. They gave a completely new rebuild to the content management system software. They have employed the use of modern development process to deliver an enigmatic user experience that is lightweight, fast and intuitive. The product development team also confirmed that they have evaluated one screen after another and have looked carefully through every pixel. They have removed all those elements that were no longer in use, just to streamline the experience of the users.

Which is the new product-based feature they have introduced in Evoq 9?

DNN content management system software has introduced a brand-new feature in their platform. It is the analytics. They have actually redesigned the analytics to provide data to the users directly from the Google Analytics.

One can still use the in-page analytics in Evoq 9. Along with the analytics, the platform has also introduced a dozen of built-in visualizers that helps you to create rich images, slideshows, banners, galleries and more.

When we went to the engineering team to know the underlying functions of the .netcms, they stressed more on the performance upgrades and new security level.

They explain that the Evoq 9 is all about structured content. Earlier DNN content management solutions were having a module or a page. One was not able to create content without a page. But in this latest version, they have separated the content from the entire layout. Now users can reuse it on multiple pages and in channels beyond the website.

Which is the new functional feature they have introduced in Evoq 9?

To them, form builder is a game changer in the new version of Evoq. It comes with intuitive UI and you can also embed a form from outside just like embedding YouTube videos. But a most important thing which the engineering team has focused on is the performance and security? With the use of detailed planning, smart coding, and careful testing they have launched the new Evoq 9.

This intranet software is evaluated with the help of bot code by code to see whether it is able to perform faster or slower. They also observe the response time and runs tests on both slow and fast intranet software to see how the product works.

The content management solutions like this are seriously a revolution when it comes to managing a business in a streamlined manner.

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