Home Technology What Can We Expect From Upcoming Developments In IoT?

What Can We Expect From Upcoming Developments In IoT?

by Soft2share.com

Who would have thought about the gargantuan success when Kevin Ashton first coined the tech- ‘the Internet of Things’ in 1999? And since then this technology has paved its way into unmatchable success. From healthcare to smart homes, there is no field left that has not been ameliorated by this technology.

Because of the development, more and more sectors are trying to relish the advantages of IoT. So let us explore what exactly can we expect from next year onwards. But before that let us get our basics clear.

What Is the Internet of Things?

The ‘thing’ in IoT refers to any kind of device with built-in sensors, and it needs to have an ability to collect the data over a network. But that is not all, after the collection, the device is also expected to transfer the data over a particular network. That too without any kind of manual intervention.

This embedded technology helps the object to interact with all the internal and external states and environments, respectively. Every single information helps in building a strong foundation in the decision-making process.

To be precise, IoT is a simple concept of devices connected with the Internet. After establishing a connection, this device lets them communicate with each other over the network. The communication allows the devices to improve their learning from the experience of other devices. Exactly like humans.

What 2020 Has In Store For Us?

Let us get to know a bit more about the technology that expands the capability of connected devices, to smoothen the process of data transfer.

By 2020:

  • Up to 20 billion devices will be connected to the IoT
  • A huge chunk of cars will be connected to the IoT
  • Global spending on IoT will jump up to $1.7 trillion

Aren’t the stats amazing?

It is true that more than 94 percent of businesses who inculcated IoT in their system have experienced a return on investment. But in order to initiate the complete adoption, we need to look into the future.

What Are The Future Trends To Look Out For?

Whenever a budding technology is considered, future possibilities expand. So without any further ado, let us explore all the future possibilities.

  • The Unification Of 5G & IoT

Many experts believe, the introduction of the 5G era will transform all the current wireless communication methods, especially the ones based on IoT applications. According to prominent IoT leaders, 5G has the power to initiate the life-changing methodologies in the upcoming future of IoT designed eco-systems. For example areas like latency, reliability, scalability, individual control and security.

  • Advancement Of Smart Cities

In the era of digitalization, there is a great need to pump-up the rate of development of smart cities. Therefore, the development of data analytics, automated vehicles, smart grids will provide an intelligent platform to bring innovation in different sectors. From traffic management to security and sharing, this tech can help to extract the benefits of every sector.

  • Expansion In Education

IoT will win hearts in the education sector, by tailoring the mobile-enabled learning process, for every student. From pumping up the complete proficiency level to the connection between the physical and virtual classrooms, IoT is set to make learning more convenient and efficient.

These are the three major future trends that you need to know about.

What Are The Challenges?

This trending technology can help to automate and provide solutions for problems faced by different industries. For example, health services, agriculture, disaster management, security, and whatnot.

It is also true that it offers multiple opportunities for telecom system integrators and operators to ameliorate the revenue funnel. But despite all that, there are a few challenges faced during the development.

  • Seamlessness in enabling interoperability
  • Lack of encryption
  • No reliability over the internet connection
  • The increased power of encryption

Now we have a hint of all the basic sides of the Internet of Things. And in case you still have any doubts related to the further implication of IoT mobile app development, feel free to reach out to us.

But till then keep thinking about the business opportunities that IoT will bring us!!!

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