Home Tech News Tricks to Access Blocked Sites Easily

Tricks to Access Blocked Sites Easily

by Soft2share.com

You are at your college, school, university or office but you are not able to access any of the social networking portals such as Orkut, Hi5, Bebo, MySpace, Facebook, Friendster and others? I have a solution for you and by following these vital tips you will be able to easily access such blocked sites easily and will surf them normally, but you need to ensure it with your local authorities before you starting making use of them.



  1. Use IP Instead of URL

This is normally dependent on the application of software used. Often the blocked portals are stored as a list of URLs such as www.download.com, www.hotmail.com etc and typing the IP address instead of the URL does work.

  1. Use Short URL Service

Sometimes it happens that the URLs you are intending using have been blocked, but once you are able to convert them to a shorter form by making use of the Short URL services, you might get luck to bypass the blocked settings.

  1. Google’s Cache

search engines such as Yahoo! and Google cache web pages and the cached pages are being stored with the search engines on their own, which likely to be included to the banned list. Clicking over the β€˜Cache’ tab will be bringing you to the cached version of the particular page.

  1. The Internet Archive – Wayback Machine

Wayback Machine happens to be an online service that periodically keeps a copy of approximately all the portals over the World Wide Web right from the date they all initiated. If you are clicking over the latest copy of what the machine has, it would be something relevant to the actual website. This is just another approach you can use if you are considering accessing blocked websites through caches.

  1. Surfing Anonymously

Some of the portals enable you to fully take advantage of their domain or proxy to browse through other websites as anonymous.

  1. Using Proxy For Your Browsers

There are a large number of websites that are distributing free proxies of nearly all the countries. Once you have been able to learn on how you can easily integrate the proxies into your browsers, you are all set to go!

  1. Bypassing the Translations Services

You will find various translation services over the Internet like Google Translate, AltaVista BabelFish which enables you to translate a site from one language to another one and the results are displayed on their own page. What you can do here is that you need to enter the URL of the blocked site, retranslate it and let AltaVista or Google fetch the content for you.

  1. Subscribing To The RSS Feed

This approach may not be working for all the websites, but if the portal you intended to visit offers the feature of RSS feeds, you can easily subscribe and browse through the site with a RSS reader, or you can have the content sent to you via email as soon as it has been updated.

These are some of the methods you can make use of while you are considering tricks on accessing blocked sites easily.

Author Bio

Russel Browne wants to provide some useful tips which would be quite beneficial to smooth the way of Test4prep exam clearance. Would you like to go through Symantec Certifications guide self assessment tutorials.


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