Home Security Top Home Security Trends for 2014

Top Home Security Trends for 2014

by Soft2share.com

Trends are showing the crimes for 2014 could decline.  However it still shows that burglaries can still occur.

What this means is that at least one out of every thirty-six homes in the United States will be burglarized. This is equivalent to an average of one home every fifteen seconds being broken into, with the loss per break-in estimated to be $1675.

These statistics don’t take into account the psychological trauma experienced by the victim. The feeling of being personally violated in the privacy of your own home, apartment, or office is very real and has lasting effects. Fear can linger over months and years, wondering if another thief will enter into your personal space again.

When one or more people make a choice to break into and enter, whether it be a home, your car, or business, without consent or permission, with the purpose and intent to steal belongings, it is called burglary. When violence is involved, it carries the label of robbery. Many people have safes for documents and important trinkets; however, many don’t invest in a jewelry safe to protect their precious gems. They are instead conveniently displayed in a jewelry box on a dresser easy for a burglar to spot.

Don’t believe the popular TV crime shows that depict break-ins taking place in the dark hours of the night. Sixty-five percent of home burglaries occur during daylight hours, anywhere from six in the morning to national evening news time. This especially can take place when someone has left to run an errand, is at work, or worse yet, when the family has gone on vacation.

Most thieves enter through the front door or first floor window. Their goal is to break in quickly and be inside within a minute to reduce the risk of getting caught. Usually, they head straight to the master bedroom first, as this is where most people store their valuables. Common items stolen include electronic equipment, guns, jewelry, gold, silver and cash. The next stop is popularly the home office or study.

There is much speculation as to why there has been a decline in burglaries and robberies in the US over the years. Some think more police monitoring the streets makes a difference. Many communities have invested into developing neighborhood crime-watch programs, which they claim has helped. Others contribute it to our innovative technology today, with an array of affordable digital and wireless maximum security systems on the market. Most of all, people are more aware and educated in methods to prevent the would-be thief from stealing valuable possessions in the first place.

It really is a combination of all of the above. You can take personal ownership in protecting your property. Time is on your side by deterring the burglar. You can widen this margin by adding a reasonably priced alarm system, putting deadbolts and digital locks on all doors, making sure all windows are locked with jams, and adding maximum security safes for your valuables.

No matter what you put in the safes, whether they are used as a gun cabinet, a jewelry safe, or data and media vaults, consider bolting it to the floor. Otherwise, your strong box may turn into a convenient suitcase for the burglar to carry out.

You can contribute to the steadily declining statistics of theft and robbery in 2014 by guarding your home, office, or apartment from break-ins. Remember, knowledge is power. Couple that knowledge with a quality maximum security safe for your most-prized belongings and you will have peace of mind for you and your family.


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