Knee problems are common and they can often lead to a replacement surgery. Rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery is a critical step in recovery. You could end up with stiffness, weakness, and pain without the right rehabilitation program. Take care of your knee replacement immediately following surgery. Make sure your doctor has given you the right rehab program before you start. Knee substitution medical procedure is viewed as quite possibly the best surgery in muscular health. knee replacement surgery in india can also be helpful in the treatment of injury from sports, accidents, and arthritis. Most people have no problems going home the same day of their surgery. You will need to avoid bending and putting weight on your knee for 4 weeks after the procedure. After that, you can slowly start rehabilitation exercises to strengthen and regain balance in your knee joint.
1. Strengthening Exercises:
Massage your knee and calf area every day. This massage will help your muscles relax and loosen up. You should also perform isometric exercises to increase strength in the leg muscles. Avoid pulling exercises that put too much stress on your joints. It is also important to perform exercise that has an increase in balance and coordination.
2. Avoid Injury:
You should avoid pulling and jerking movements while performing your exercises. Strengthening your quadriceps will help prevent joint damage from overuse. Perform your exercises at a low risk for injury. A knee replacement surgery is a minor one. There is less risk of joint injury during rehabilitation for knee replacement patients. You should be able to perform most exercises within 10 minutes.Â
3. Wear a Knee Brace:
Use a knee brace during rehabilitation to protect your knee from further injury. Ask your primary care physician for counsel on the best knee prepared for you. The knee is one of the most sensitive joints in the body. You should always use caution when performing exercises after surgery. You will need to take frequent breaks and rest your leg when doing exercises after surgery. Your physical therapist or doctor will give you specific instructions for each exercise after surgery. Make sure you follow these instructions for safety and recovery benefits.
4. Stretching Exercises:
Stretching will help keep muscles under tension rather than lose strength due to overuse injuries like strains and pulls from muscles not being stretched enough during rehabilitation exercises for knee replacement surgery recovery. Stretch your muscles every day, and massage the surrounding area to keep blood flowing through the joint. Keep your leg warm to prevent stiffness and pain. You will also need to keep the knee joint warm enough for proper healing after surgery. Move to the next step when you meet specific goals and milestones with your physical therapy program.
5.Range of Motion:
You should have a physical therapist and nurse perform a passive range of motion exercises for you during the first few months after surgery. Range of motion is measured in degrees and is noted by how far your knee bends as a result of their movement with you lying prone on the bed when they apply pressure to your leg from various positions along the length of your leg, pushing it down against your knee cap.
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