Home Business Mistakes To Avoid When Designing Your Business Website

Mistakes To Avoid When Designing Your Business Website

by Soft2share.com

Your business website is absolutely essential to the success of your business. A shoddily designed website with plenty of errors could immediately turn customers away, affecting your sales and giving potential customers a poor first impression of your business. It’s crucial that your website immediately draws the viewer in, grabs their attention, and convinces them that they should stick around. To make sure this happens, avoid these common business website mistakes.

Attempting to do it all alone. Unless you’re a professional designer yourself, you probably won’t be able to tackle the task of building an entire website on your own. You’ll need expert assistance to make sure the site looks perfect and functions well. Contact a Web Design Company to ensure that your website is in the best possible hands from the start.

Neglecting mobile functionality. Most of your audience will be viewing your website from their mobile phone or tablet, so it’s essential that the site is completely mobile-friendly. The software has to be mobile responsive, and the all of your content should translate effectively to a smaller screen viewing experience. Getting this wrong could mean that your customers can’t read what you want to say, or can’t get the information they’re looking for.

Overdoing the widgets. While certain widgets can add useful value to your website, others may just slow the site down and cause unnecessary hassle and irritation for your audience. Make sure any widgets installed are fully responsive, fit with the overall design look of your website, and add some value to the page.

Cluttering up the website. When a customer visits your website they should find a clean and simple viewing experience that suits their needs without sacrificing your business goals. Too much text, messy visuals, and unnecessary information will create an unprofessional look that certainly won’t inspire confidence in your brand. Keep it clean and simple for a modern look.

Neglecting content marketing. If you’re not using your website content as a marketing opportunity then you’re missing a major opportunity. Your website should feature articles that guide your audience toward your business in a subtle, helpful way. Create useful content that your audience would genuinely want to read, and keep problem solving at the forefront of your mind when writing. Content is also a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your chosen field, and can be a valuable industry networking tool.

Forgetting up to date contact details. Many of the customers who visit your website will simply be looking for contact information so that they can get in touch with you. Make sure this is as easy as possible for them by providing clear contact details on your home page with up to date information. Remember to update the details whenever anything changes within your business.

Creating a website that’s difficult to navigate. Poor navigation features are an immediate turn-off to customers. If they get lost or can’t find the information they need, they’re probably going to look elsewhere. Make sure your navigation bar is clearly visible, and include a sitemap to help visitors find what they need. A professional web designer will help make sure that all of these aspects are included in your web design.

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