Home Useful Tips Fathers Rights – Helping Dads Defend Custody and Visitation Rights

Fathers Rights – Helping Dads Defend Custody and Visitation Rights

by Soft2share.com

Many people assume that courts give mothers more rights to children, particularly custody rights, than fathers. This presumption is incorrect.

No state grants the presumption of rights for custody to mothers. Every court evaluates a case based on what is in the best interest of the children.

Many Fathers Are Awarded Custody of their Children

It may often be the case that granting a mother primary custody is not in the best interest of the children. There are instances where fathers actually have a custody advantage over a child’s mother. For example in cases where the mother has a history of drug abuse.
fathers rights attorney in Oklahoma In some families children may have extremely strong emotional attachments with their father and the mother can be a detriment to a healthy relationship between the father and child. In most cases, the law dictates that the parents come to court on an equal footing insofar as custody decisions are concerned.

Understanding Parental Rights

In addition to custody, parental rights involve a parent’s right to make decisions on behalf of the children. Decision-making rights reside with both parents, unless one of the parents has acted in a way that could harm the child. In those cases the court may rule that one parent is no longer in the child’s best interest. Examples of decisions that involve parental rights include choices about where the children attend school health care the children may or may not receive, and the religion the children will be taught. Another example is, the quality time parents can spend with their children, regardless of which parent is granted custody.

Defend Your Right to Be a Father to Your Child

All children deserve the care and love of a mother and a father in their lives. If you are a father who seeks primary custody of your own children, you should not be deterred by gender stereotypes, or by a presumption that their mother has more rights than you do.

Moreover, regardless of the court’s ultimate decision on custody

arrangements, you should vigorously assert your rights to share in the decision-making for the health, care, and well-being of your children. Insist on your need to spend meaningful time with your children. Your unbundled attorney will help you make the best argument to the court for why you, as the father, play a critical role in providing a safe, stable, and healthy environment for the children.

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