Home Business How To Choose The Best Email Management Virtual Assistant?

How To Choose The Best Email Management Virtual Assistant?

by Soft2share.com

Email management virtual assistant is software that helps you stay organized. From sorting inbox to creating new tasks for you, a virtual assistant does it all. When a team uses such tools, it basically gets assisted with assigning tasks to different people of their organization, setting deadlines for them, and most importantly managing or keeping track of everything through emails.

Many times, we come across emails that are not relevant to the task deputation. They might be properly organised by the sender and are listed subject and date wise. But the systematic arrangement by the priority of tasks, deadlines is missing. Now the question arises, if emails are not up to the mark why do we even use them?

The answer is as simple as the fact that email is still alive and there are employees who use it at an average of two to three hours a day. So if you are also one of those employees who are bound to use email, then why not choose an efficient email management virtual assistant. Such a tool will help you schedule multiple projects, plan them, assign tasks and track the progress as per deadlines. With that being said, here is the list of essential features that your chosen email task manager must-have.

Integration Of Emails

Every email management virtual assistant should have email integration. This is because by integrating emails you and your team get to manage the documents from their inbox. They can store emails, share them, and most importantly create tasks related to them with automatic notifications.

Creating & Assigning Tasks

When we talk about paid or free task management softwares, task creation is the key feature that should come along. This is so because it lets you plan tasks for your team and send them out along with the due date, description and required attachments. This way you will get to know about the capacity of your team which will also lead to effective planning.

Schedule Tasks

The next feature that your virtual assistant should have is task scheduling. When we talk about tasks, it is not just about sending them but also involves managing a team. With the right tool, you will be able to manage the tasks of your team as it will keep track and ensure you if every member has done their daily tasks or not.

Task Mentions

Another exclusive feature that your email management virtual assistant should have is task mentions. With powerful symbols, you get to mention the name of the employee who has been assigned a particular task. This will ensure that no member of your team comes up with an excuse saying, ‘I didn’t see the task’.

So before you hand your jobs to a virtual assistant make sure it has all the above-mentioned features!

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