Home Apps Apps That Make You Feel Intellectually Smart

Apps That Make You Feel Intellectually Smart

by Soft2share.com

A smartphone via the assistance of a few well-concealed apps is filled with knowledgeable features (Content). What seems practically composed with the entire knowledge of the world regardless of the information being related to the present or past? In other words, this is an aspiring aspect to contain such intellectual content within your fingertips that can be extremely easily accessible. Though it is also very overwhelming to have such an incredible amount of knowledge.   

Many smart people do decide to take advantage of this unrestricted access to information to learn a thing or two to enhance their intellectual knowledge. Though the process of attaining such reliable and adequate information is never as straightforward. To start your knowledge quest accurately this article will be a true asset to the readers on where to initiate to avail the information without having to bind any serious time or financial commitment.

Here is a list assembled of the apps that surely will make you feel smarter on indulgence regardless of which subject/topic you invest or are interested in.   

1- Today in History 

Mobile app developers did create an iPhone app known as the app “Today in History” that is available for free. This app takes on the daunting yet admirable perspective of educating the audience that is interested to know about History. The information fed to the audience is done with extreme precession. It is broken up into digestible daily contexts that are covered in the form of events, deaths, births, holidays that are based on a variety of places and periods. You can browse categorically. The categories popularly used are entertainment, tech, sports, and science.     

2- TED

Over the past few years, TED Talks has become an extremely popular medium to address and avail information on some of the most crucial topics. It is a great platform that has addressed crucial subjects to the audience providing them the knowledge on it even before they sorted to attain information on it. Not everyone necessarily can follow the TED video that appears on the FB timeline for them the “TED App” is an exceptional manner to keep track of the latest and trending TED videos according to their preference. The app keeps you well connected with the trending subject while providing personalized recommendations and the ability to download/save videos offline to your watch list.      

3- Daily Art

This app is incredible since it provides an in-depth perspective and knowledge on the subject “Art”. Daily Art educates art enthusiastic who are rookies and amateurs to up their game by providing them an artwork task each day from a wide collection of approximately 2000 pieces. The task comprises to be completed with the entire basic and historic information plus they are also acquainted with few interesting aspects behind the particulars of the scene on the artist or/and artwork as well. The app is comprised of an amazing aspect that will drive an art lover bonkers. As the user can swipe through the previous days ‘entries while also exploring over 700 artist info and bios from over 500 museums. It indeed is a low investment manner to foster your art passion whether you are wanting to professionalize it or just want to enjoy the love of indulging in art.          

4- Vocabulary

The app Vocabulary is known to be addictive to both the Time and Fast Company as well. Developers created an app for iPhone time tracking software that is definitely worth the one-time cost implied of $3 to use the dictionary which comprises of the definition and a guide on how to use the word correctly. As a plus to the dictionary, the app also has an app boaster which is am an algorithm-based system that is used to learn how to apply the vocabulary via games through which you can earn points and gather achievement badges. The subscription will also comprise more than 50,000 listed words to opt form that will cover everything from GRE pre to even the novel “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.


Investing your free time in either of the 4 mentioned intellectual enhancing apps listed above will surely play to your best advantage. It is incredible how much information and in-depth knowledge either one of these apps can be used to attain at a very low cost and at any convenient time of the user. There is no bad impact of using these apps since they enhance your intellectual knowledge and secondly, there is no obligation or commitment at any ease time one can indulge in them. 

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