Home Business 5 Things You’ll Surely Love About HubSpot Shopify Integration

5 Things You’ll Surely Love About HubSpot Shopify Integration

by Soft2share.com

Most businesses are online these days, and why they shouldn’t! The present-day customers love to shop on the web and that’s the reason e-commerce stores have started adopting the advanced solutions like HubSpot Shopping Cart, HubSpot Payments, and other integrations by the service. To your comfort, there’s another brand-new update from HubSpot that will make managing your online business better. The new HubSpot Shopify integration offers you multiple capabilities.

In this post, we will discuss the five best things you are going to love in the new update. Here we go:

Sync and Store Your Data in HubSpot

When you set up the HubSpot and Shopify integration, you’ll have the option to see the majority of your contacts’ orders inside the HubSpot database. Customers from your online store will be included as new leads inside the database, orders will be followed inside the CRM, and contact records will be consistently updated. You’ll additionally have the option to match up products and services from your Shopify customers inside one view on the HubSpot platform. At long last, you won’t need to return and forward between two different platforms to review the data and break down the information!

Records Based on E-Commerce Behavior

With the new integration, portioned records are pre-worked in HubSpot dependent on your online business information and customers’ online shopping behavior. What’s more, you can make and divide new accounts on the basis of your customers’ structure history, items, advancements/deals, etc. This makes way for new ways to target and speak with your customers all the more viably. You’ll have the option to update your work processes, promotions, messages, and even create a custom lead scoring to line up with your customer’s internet shopping behavior.

More Personalization

In case you are a HubSpot client, you’ve most likely officially utilized personalization tokens inside HubSpot to modify your email interchanges. With the new update, you’ll approach extra data from Shopify. You’ll have the option to break down your customers’ information and use contact properties to send customized messages based on their shopping behavior and promote customized recommendations as per their preferences. You can likewise request customers reviews based on purchase designs.

Extra Workflows for Lead Nurturing

HubSpot and Shopify integration took every necessary step for you. When you set up the integration, you’ll see three pre-assembled work processes in the settings to follow up on abandoned shopping carts, advancing re-engagement, and inviting new customers. You’ll have the option to pick these work processes to automate your campaigns and support more customers.

New E-Commerce Dashboard for Reporting

Presently, you’ll approach another reporting tool where you can view results dependent on online sales orders, the lifetime value of a customer, abandoned cart data, and all-out online sales income. You’ll have the option to figure out which advertising strategies are best and convey more favorable outcomes with closed-loop reporting. The new dashboard is set up with pre-assembled reports and charts to guide you in the beginning.

All in all, apart from other useful integrations like HubSpot Payments, HubSpot Shopping Cart etc, the Shopify for HubSpot integration has made a new way for online businesses to keep track of their sales and make improvements. Even if you are a novice, you can get started in a jiffy with the guides offered along with the setup.

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