Home Useful Tips 3 Ways Parents Can Use iPhone Tracking Software to Protect their Kids

3 Ways Parents Can Use iPhone Tracking Software to Protect their Kids

by Soft2share.com

Let’s face it, kids have a knack for adventure. No matter how many times you tell them not to go to that one part of town, or not visit that one place that sells alcohol, their sense of rebellion with take over and you’ll find yourself scared for their safety. But, I have a solution for you. All you need to do is get an iPhone tracking software called XNSPY and install it on your child’s phone. It will help you keep tabs on your kid so you’ll always know where they are. If you’re concerned for their safety, or don’t want them visiting places like liquor stores this is the app for you.


Let’s explore 3 ways to use this iPhone tracker that will help you protect your kids better.

Real Time Tracking

This feature of XNSPY will let you know where your child is at any given time. There are so many situations in which this could be useful, like

  • Making sure your child stays in school
  • Checking in on your child while you are at work
  • Tracking child in case they have gone missing or are lost
  • Useful in more dire situations like kidnappings

A real time tracker for iPhone could be all you need to save them from dangerous situations.

Location History

If you’re a working parent that does not have the time to keep an eye on your kid’s current location all day, this is a useful future for you. Your iPhone tracker lets you view your child’s location history. This means that at the end of the day, you can sit down and view all the places your child has been. You can find out where you child went after school, or if they really are at a friend’s place when they said they would be studying.

Watchlist Locations

This is the niftiest feature XNSPY has. If you think some places around your town are dangerous or you would rather your kids not visit them, you can put those locations on the XNSPY Watchlist. These places could be

  • Liquor stores
  • Pubs
  • Places that sell cigarettes
  • Shady areas of the neighborhood

The best part is that you will receive a notification any time your child enters a prohibited area. So you’ll know exactly when they are getting into mischief.

XNSPY, the Parent’s Sidekick

Every parent always wants to know where their kids go and if they are safe when they are away from home. XNSPY gives them that surety. This iPhone tracking software will not only help you stay connected to your children, it will help you keep them safe as well.

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