Home Designing 10 Tips for Powerful Landing Page Design to Improve Conversion Rate

10 Tips for Powerful Landing Page Design to Improve Conversion Rate

by Soft2share.com

A landing page or ‘Lander’ or ‘lead capture page’ is usually a single web page designed with an intention to promote online marketing. Once you click on the optimized search engine button you are redirected to that page which reflects directed sales copy. A successful landing page is one that results into remarkable conversions by remaining focused to its aims besides deploying each element strategically.

Following are some quick tips to design a powerful landing page:


Use a Descriptive Headline

A well descriptive headline with fewer meaningful words and clarity will cater to the demand of visitors keen on getting the exact information. The headline should be created to instantly grab the attention of the visitor. So keep the fonts clear, large and heading concise. The impressive landing page of American Bullion can be taken as the benchmark.

Follow the Four Rules of AIDA

These rules are the best way to boost the conversion rate of your product or service. AIDA rules include:

  • Awareness: The rule is to aware people about your particular product /service.


  • Interest: Try to build up interest in your product/service by concentrating and highlighting more on the benefits that can be reaped by the customers.


  • Desire: The information provided should tempt the visitor to buy your product.


  • Action: Let the temptation become an action of the visitor to buy your service or product.

Don’t Distract Visitor’s Attention

Including too much of information on a single landing page results in distracting visitor’s attention. Keep all the extra information intact to another link as FAQ or Privacy Policy. Keep almost all the questions answered in FAQ section which you have been trying to highlight. The landing page of “Bizzness Apps” is worth referring to.


Place Most Important Info First

Your most crucial information should be placed at the very beginning so that visitors can get straight to it without having to scroll down. The turnkey information should be placed within the first 200 words. Remember content above the fold is more SEO friendly than below it. Also, it is not a wise idea to put calls to action for the most significant details.

Remove the Clutter

Your eagerness to provide all the key features of your product or service may not go down well with your visitor. It is better to keep the page as clean as possible and make another link for the key features. So, the key point for your intended page is to keep it simple and clutter free. A single call to action on the landing page is sufficient for conversion. Also, links and navigation should also be restricted on the lead capture page. A good example in this context will be “Brusheezy”.


Use Images and Videos But to A Minimum

Pertinent and appealing videos and images enhance the visual appeal of your Corporate Web Design. However, incorporation of too many pictures and videos on the landing page can distract your visitors from your target. Stick to keeping minimum graphics and videos relevant to your product to enhance the sales. “Brokers for life” is a good example of a strategically designed landing page.

Make Buttons, Forms and Calls to Action Prominent

Buttons, forms and calls to action are responsible for bringing visitors to your site. Hence, each of these deserves special attention. Make sure the action buttons and forms are both prominent and easily accessible. Also, CTA should always be clearly visible on the landing page. “99 Designs” can be referred to for landing page that convert.

Provide Enticing Elements to Visitors to Convert

Visitors have already landed on your page; but you need to give them something more to entice them for the next step. By giving them free access to a little portion of your product or service you can lure them to download, purchase or perform similar kind of an action.

Highlight the Safety Factor

Unless your visitors find the reliability factor on your page, they will be more prone to feel apprehensive for further actions. To ensure the visitors that the information provided by them is strictly confidential and safe, display the security badges on the landing page. Highlighting the safety methods helps in winning customers’ confidence.

Test and Evaluate

Trial and error method is the best way to create a powerful landing page. It is mandatory to test and evaluate your landing page to bring out the best. Construct different landing pages with different variations and change only a single element from the page to evaluate your goal. In this way you can finally plan strategy to bring the perfect landing page.


Author Bio:

Cameron is Co-founder of eTraffic Web Design, Website Design and Development Company in Australia.  He usually writes articles about the ongoing web design and development trends in Australia and also provides the web design services all across the globe.


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